How To Detect New Log Entry - Mikrotik Script

This script is checking if new log entry is added to particular buffer. In this example we will use pppoe logs: /system logging action add name="pppoe" /system logging add action=pppoe topics=pppoe,info,!ppp,!debug Log buffer will look similar to this one: [admin@mainGW] > /log print where buffer=pppoe 13:11:08 pppoe,info PPPoE connection established from 00:0C:42:04:4C:EE Now we can write a script to detect if new entry is added. Code: :global lastTime; :global currentBuf [ :toarray [ /log find buffer=pppoe ] ] ; :global currentLineCount [ :len $currentBuf ] ; :global currentTime [ :totime [/log get [ :pick $currentBuf ($currentLineCount -1) ] time ] ]; :global message ""; :if ( $lastTime = "" ) do={ :set lastTime $currentTime ; :set message [/log get [ :pick $currentBuf ($currentLineCount-1) ] message]; } else={ :if ( $lastTime < $currentTime ) do={ :set lastTime $currentTime ; :set message [/log get [ :pick $currentBuf ($currentLineCount-1) ] message]; } } After new entry is detected, it is saved in "message" variable, which you can use later to parse log message, for example, to get pppoe clients mac address.


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