Calea perl trafr - Mikrotik Script

Calea perl trafr System independent trafr script This small article describe the script wrote on perl which help you to get packets encapsulated by calea and captured by tcpdump or wireshark. You could upgrade it to catch traffic without tcpdump or wireshark. #!/usr/bin/perl -w # # TZSP headers remover # # You need this modules: # Data-HexDump 0.02 # Net-Pcap 0.16 # Net-Pcap-Reassemble 0.04 # NetPacket 0.41.1 # # usage: trafr -r filename.pcap [ -s observed_ip ] [ -d ] [ -c count ] use strict; use Net::Pcap qw ( :datalink :functions ); use NetPacket::Ethernet; use NetPacket::IP; use NetPacket::UDP; use Data::HexDump; use Getopt::Std; our($opt_d, $opt_r, $opt_c, $opt_s); my ($err,$dumpOUT,$errdumpOUT,$count,$pcap,$dumper,$errdumper); getopt('rcs'); getopts('d'); my $dumpIN = $opt_r or die "No input file!\nUse -r\n"; # input pcap file my $debug = $opt_d; # do you need debug? print "test: ".$debug."\n" if ($debug); if (!$opt_c) { $count = -1} else { $count = $opt_c} # how many packets to process? (for debug) my $counter = 1; my $observedIP = $opt_s; # ip that you looking for #my $errdumpOUT = 'errpackets.pcap';# file for errors packets (for debug) $dumper = undef; # output file my $destport=37008; # Port used for TZSP streaming (default 37008) # --- Output file name if ($dumpIN !~ m/^(\S+)\.pcap$/i){ $dumpOUT = $dumpIN.'.ok.pcap'} else { $dumpOUT = $1.'.ok.pcap'} # --- Errors packets file name if ($debug){ if ($dumpIN !~ m/^(\S+)\.pcap$/i){ $errdumpOUT = $dumpIN.'.err.pcap'} else { $errdumpOUT = $1.'.err.pcap'} } # --- Open input file $pcap = Net::Pcap::pcap_open_offline($dumpIN, \$err) or die $err; # --- Open file for errors packets # --- (for debug) $errdumper = Net::Pcap::pcap_dump_open($pcap,$errdumpOUT) if ($debug); # --- Process Net::Pcap::pcap_loop($pcap, $count, \&headoff_tzsp, "user data"); # --- Close all open files Net::Pcap::close($pcap); Net::Pcap::pcap_dump_close($dumper) if ($dumper); Net::Pcap::pcap_dump_close($errdumper) if ($debug); # --- Delete error file if it empty if ($debug) { if ( -e $errdumpOUT and -s $errdumpOUT == 24){ system("rm $errdumpOUT") == 0 or die "rm -f ".$errdumpOUT." failed: $?"; } } # --- TZSP head remove function sub headoff_tzsp { print STDOUT "\n=============================================================================\n" if ($debug); my($user_data, $header, $packet) = @_; # --- Decapsulate packet my $ether = NetPacket::Ethernet->decode($packet); if ( $ether->{type} ne NetPacket::Ethernet->ETH_TYPE_IP) { print STDOUT "Not an IP packet. Type = $ether->{type} instead of " . NetPacket::Ethernet->ETH_TYPE_IP if ($debug); $counter++; return; } my $ip = NetPacket::IP->decode($ether->{data}); if ( $ip->{proto} ne NetPacket::IP->IP_PROTO_UDP ) { print STDOUT "Not an UDP packet. Proto = $ip->{proto} instead of " . NetPacket::IP->IP_PROTO_UDP if ($debug); $counter++; return; } my $udp = NetPacket::UDP->decode($ip->{data}); if ( $udp->{dest_port} ne 37008 ) { print STDOUT "Wrong Dest port. Dest_port=$udp->{dest_port} instead of 37008" if ($debug); $counter++; return; } # --- For debug # print STDOUT $counter," ", # $ip->{'src_ip'}, ":", $udp->{'src_port'}, " -> ", # $ip->{'dest_ip'}, ":", $udp->{'dest_port'}, # " length: ", $udp->{'len'}, " chksum: ",$udp->{'cksum'}, # " fragment: ",$ip->{'foffset'},"\n" if ($debug); # print STDOUT HexDump $udp->{data} if($debug); # --- Cut TZSP bytes my $tzspheader = substr $udp->{data}, 0, 5; my $tzspdata = substr $udp->{data}, 5; # print STDOUT HexDump $tzspheader if($debug); # --- Check is the header is TZSP if (unpack ('H*',$tzspheader) eq '010000120a'){ if (!$dumper) { # --- Open output file as IEEE802.11 my $linktype = Net::Pcap::datalink_name_to_val('IEEE802_11'); my $dummy=Net::Pcap::open_dead($linktype,2500); $dumper = Net::Pcap::pcap_dump_open($dummy, $dumpOUT); } } elsif (unpack ('H*',$tzspheader) eq '0100000101'){ if (!$dumper) { # --- Open output file as Ethernet my $linktype = Net::Pcap::datalink_name_to_val('EN10MB'); my $dummy=Net::Pcap::open_dead($linktype,2500); $dumper = Net::Pcap::pcap_dump_open($dummy, $dumpOUT); } } else { print STDERR $counter," Maybe wrong tzsp header? -> ",unpack ('H*',$tzspheader),"\n" if ($debug); Net::Pcap::pcap_dump($errdumper, $header, $packet) if ($debug); $counter++; return; } # print STDOUT HexDump $tzspdata if($debug); # --- Process included packet my $ethertzsp = NetPacket::Ethernet->decode($tzspdata); my $iptzsp = NetPacket::IP->decode($ethertzsp->{data}); # --- If it's the right ip if (!$observedIP || ( $iptzsp->{'src_ip'} eq $observedIP or $iptzsp->{'dest_ip'} eq $observedIP)){ # Net::Pcap::pcap_dump($dumper, $header, $packet) if ($debug); # --- If yes, add it to output file Net::Pcap::pcap_dump($dumper, $header, $tzspdata); } else { print STDERR $counter," Maybe wrong include packet? ",$iptzsp->{'src_ip'}," -> ",$iptzsp->{'dest_ip'},"\n"; } $counter++; }


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